Ticker: BRICK

Contract address:

  • 0xc4daa5a9f2b832ed0f9bc579662883cd53ea9d61

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Supply: Unlimited

Emission rate:

Initial: 100 BRICK/block

Emission rate will decrease over time. Since March 10 we slashed it to 80% (80 BRICK/Block), this will continue to happen as time passes.

8% will be sent to the developer’s address for further partnership & developer funds.

Deflationary Mechanics:

  • Farms & pools will get corresponding bricks depending on the multiplier shown on the top left corner.


  • Timelock: 0x7289Cb0dAd995aA56ec1EC03E895db621F76FCaE

  • Builder: 0x7854fb0edd06a880ec8009c62b1aa38e26f9988d

  • BRICK: 0xc4daa5a9f2b832ed0f9bc579662883cd53ea9d61

Last updated